Regenerative Medicine
Rejuvenate and regenerate your body & begin looking and feeling better than ever.

Pure Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments

Bio-Facial Skin Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma has been used for facial rejuvenation for over 20 years. The procedure has now been perfected with no red blood cells, eliminating the red appearance with Pure PRP. This treatment is ideal for individuals wanting to naturally improve their skin texture, tone and color with no recovery time. The growth factors in Pure PRP stimulate proliferation of broblasts and keratinocytes, which aid the body in the production of collagen and keratin. These growth factors also have a signicant role in the formation of new blood vessels, synthesizing collagen and hyaluronic acid. Dr. A helps to restore areas of the face that require volume by injecting the Pure PRP into problem areas. The remaining Pure PRP will be painted on the patients face and a derma-roller would then be applied onto the surface of the skin to catalyze facial restoration.

What happens during a facial rejuvenation treatment with PRP?

Dr. A will assess the degree of skin aging, perform a simple skin analysis, and
recommend injection sites on the face that need to be lled with Pure PRP. The
patient’s skin will be cleaned and prepared for a local anesthetic cream to be applied,
while nerve blocks may also be given to sensitive areas. Blood will then be drawn from
the patient and go through the process of centrifugation. PRP is then injected through a
syringe while targeting specic problems. The remaining PRP will subsequently be
painted onto the skin and rubbed in with a derma roller.

s the procedure painful?

In order for the treatment to be comfortable for the patient, their skin has a local
anesthetic cream applied 30 minutes before the bio-facial and nerve blocks will be
administered to more sensitive areas of concern.

How long is the recovery time?

There is not any downtime for the patient for this procedure. Aesthetically, there may be
some redness of the treated areas of the skin and minor bruising for a couple days after
the procedure.

How long is the treatment?

The office visit usually takes between 90-120 minutes, while the procedure will only
take about 20-30 minutes to complete.

Is it safe?

PRP treatment is extremely safe. Because PRP is produced from your own blood, there
is no risk of an allergic reaction. In addition, PRP contains a concentrated amount of
white blood cells, your body’s natural defenders against infections. As a result, infection
is extremely rare with our PRP treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

Initially, 3 to 6 treatments 4-6 weeks apart are recommended for optimal results.
Thereafter, maintenance treatments are recommended every one to two years
depending on skin type.

Cytokine Therapy Treatment

Immune cells communicate with each other via chemical messages. A chemical, called a cytokine, might direct cells to where they are needed to combat an infection. Yet other cytokines may cause cells to clone themselves to build up an arsenal to ght a specic infection. Cytokine molecules (also called interleukins, interferons, growth factors and tumor necrosing factors–TNFs) are involved in essentially every important biological process, from cell proliferation to inammation, immunity, migration, brosis, repair and angiogenesis.

Cytokine Treatment for Debilitating Diseases

Cytokine therapies have tremendous potential for treating and reducing the debilitating eects of a variety of diseases, including some forms of cancer, as well as chronic inammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). These intercellular communicators help activate numerous processes in the body in virtually all cell types, and they are well known for their role recruiting and activating immune cells in response to injury and infection. Cytokines are signaling proteins that are produced by white blood cells. They help mediate and regulate immune responses, inammation and hematopoiesis, which is new blood cell formation. Cytokines form the building blocks of life and are key components in cellular communication. Cytokines may be classied as peptides, proteins or glycoproteins. From the Greek cyto (“cell”) and kinos (“movement”), cytokines organize cellular tasks. They work as a communication network between cells and immune system cells, among other functions. Cytokines have both direct and indirect eects on stem cells and other types of more mature cells. Cytokines dramatically aect the micro-environments of the cells by organizing the cellular tasks. By giving the “repair orders” at the cellular level, this causes a cascade of metabolic pathways that extend from the cellular levels to the tissues. Various combinations of cytokines determine what type of repair is needed and then signals the metabolism to download the program of biochemicals to rebuild the connective tissue

Good and Bad Cytokines

There are both good and bad cytokines. For example, the symptoms of osteoarthritis are likely caused by bad cytokines. These bad cytokines cause pain, swelling and typically cell death, called a catabolic state. This means tissue is breaking down, causing destruction of the cells and eventually failure of the system. Good cytokines can be manipulated with both stem cell and PRP injections to counteract bad cytokines. The joint or tendon is transformed into an anabolic state, which means tissue is being built up. In addition to modulating inammation, good cytokines help repair tissue, including connective tissue and promote collagen synthesis. They can also direct other cells to areas needing repair and stimulate angiogenesis (meaning it forms blood vessels).

Cytokine are Key Communicators for Immune Cells

Cytokines act as key communicators for immune cells. Maintaining a delicate balance within the multi-levels of these communicators is vital for health. However, in many chronic diseases, this balance is disrupted. Thus, therapeutic targeting of cytokine pathways promises great hope for patients suering from chronic diseases.

Leading Edge Oral Cytokines

Guna Biotechnology has made leading-edge cytokine therapies available with FDAregistered oral cytokines. Researcher and expert in cytokine therapy, Dr. Jo Serrentino, has developed numerous protocols that can provide extended care and rebuilding of the connective tissue matrix and musculoskeletal components. No two patients are alike and utilizing cytokine therapy allows us to control some variables that have limited the body’s capacity to self heal.

Stem Cell Rejuvenation

Orthobiologic Stem Cell Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a new, non-operative treatment that frequently relieves pain and promotes lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. PRP Therapy uses components of a person’s own blood cells to formulate a customized concoction that stimulates the natural healing process in many orthopedic conditions. Stem cells, extracted from bone marrow or body fat, may also be used in conjunction with PRP therapy to catalyze the eect. A “fat graft” (adipose sample procured from a mini liposuction) is an excellent source of stem cells, which, when blended with the PRP to stimulate the stem cells to maturation, can often reverse osteoarthritis. The stem cells live much longer than the platelets and therefore may be “boosted” after about a month, increasing the eect of stem cell grafting without having to harvest them again. The goal of PRP Therapy with stem cells is to resolve pain through real healing. Initial improvement may be seen within a few weeks, gradually increasing as healing progresses. Studies have shown PRP therapy to be frequently eective at relieving pain and returning patients to their normal activities. Both ultrasound and MRI images have shown denitive tissue repair after PRP therapy, conrming the healing process. The need for surgery may be reduced by treating injured tissue before the damage progresses and the condition is irreversible.